1. Mashable
The media source everyone goes to for digital innovation, breaking news, entertainment, technology, and resources. Where 45 million monthly visitors share the latest technological advancement.
Global ranking: 521
Core theme: Technology, Digital Culture, Entertainment
Accepts republished content: Yes
Submit to: news@mashable.com or Mashable Contact Form
Guest post guidelines: http://mashable.com/2008/04/18/bad-pr-pitches/#0px8iN1m5kqi
2. Entrepreneur
Another leading source for marketing, finance, social media, business, and leadership that’s aimed at entrepreneurs and all people passionate about the business world.
Global ranking: 1,002
Core theme: Business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Finance, Social Media
Accepts republished content: No
Submit to: Dan Bova (Editorial Director) at dbova@entrepreneur.com or Entrepreneur Contact Form
Guest post guidelines: N/A
3. The Definition
The Definition everyone goes to for digital marketing, Business, Health, technology, and resources. Where 15k monthly visitors share the latest technological advancement.
Global ranking: 51011
Core theme: Technology, Digital, Health, Entertainment, Business, GK
Accepts republished content: Yes
Submit to: thedefinitionindia01@gmail.com
Guest post guidelines: https://thedefinition.in/
4. Lifehack
The core of Lifehack revolves around improving all aspects of your life better, from getting things done to building a positive influence around you.
Global ranking: 2,118
Core theme: Lifestyle, Productivity
Accepts republished content: No.
Submit to: Lifehack Contact Form
Guest post guidelines: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/how-to-write-for-lifehack.html
5.Smashing Magazine
Offering a plethora of web development and web design topics like coding, WordPress, graphics, and mobile, Smashing Magazine attracts readers and writers from all around the world — notably designers and developers.
Global ranking: 3,411
Core theme: Web Design & Development, Technology
Accepts republished content: No. Authors get paid.
Submit to: Smashing Magazine Contact Form
Guest post guidelines: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/write-for-us/
Source : https://seoservice786.blogspot.com/