How To Share Customer Reviews And Testimonials On Social Media?

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 The biggest challenge for brands, especially recently launched small businesses, is to make their promotional content more real and personal through customer ratings

You may have heard this a thousand times but the fact remains – ‘Just like people trust other people, customers trust other customers!’ 

People connect better with a brand when they find its content authentic and there can be no content as authentic as User-Generated content i.e.- customer reviews and testimonials. 

Look nowhere else as customer testimonials are a great way to build credibility and trust with your followers, as well as enhance the likelihood that new clients or customers will choose you over competitors.

If you are unsure, then make your way to the end as we’ll go through why customer reviews and ratings  are vital for your small business, and how to post your client feedback on social media. 

Let’s get started right away! 

Major Advantages Of Customer Feedback For Your Business 

You have a lot of ability to affect others around you thanks to social media. Brands and influencers utilize this to low key guide consumers towards their products and services in addition to what they endorse.

Here’s why you need to include customer feedback in your marketing journey. 

  • Developing a sense of trust

Customer feedback and reviews have the added benefit of being 100% authentic. There is no such thing as a gimmick or commercial activity in them. 

They’re from customers who have paid for them. The value you provide is demonstrated through consumer feedback, which creates trust in your company and its products among your social media audience.

  • Establish appropriate consumer expectations

Because it’s difficult to create acceptable customer expectations via the internet, client experiences typically worsen. Reviews and testimonies come to the rescue in this situation.

They allow you to give your customers actual insight into your process. They also provide unedited information from someone who has recently experienced your product or service. 

  • Increasing the number of sales & conversions

Most clients are hesitant to purchase items via the internet since they are unable to examine the product or service in person. Customer testimonials assist them in breaking over that barrier and making that decision.

Reviews are a powerful social media tool that can boost your sales conversions significantly. They give your brand a human face as well as provide social proof for all of your promises.

Different Ways To Share Customer Reviews On Social Media 

  • Include customer ratings in your social media ads 

There’s no denying that social proof sells. We just talked about how it boosts sales conversions and promotes brand trust. That is why it is also suitable for use in commercials. Hence, you can repurpose your consumer feedback into video or graphic designs for your digital ads.

In a customer’s purchase journey, social media ads are crucial touchpoints. Throughout the process, highlighting the value of your brand and why your product or service is the best option may make a tremendous difference. You can attach video Testimonials for further emphasis, which can also be a nice touch to your product or service advertising.

  • Embed customer ratings on your brand website 

Another great way to make the most of your customer reviews is to include them on your brand’s website. Your brand website is an important marketing touch point between you and your prospective customers. 

Hence, it needs to have content that is engaging and effective for conversions. Using a social media aggregator tool, you can seamlessly collect, curate, and embed social media reviews on your website. Moreover, it gives an insight to your social media, and if your website visitors like your content, they may redirect and hit the follow button. 

  • Share customer ratings  via social media posts and stories 

Customer reviews can be reused for your social media feed and Stories. This can be very useful in displaying to your audience how your consumers feel about you on a regular basis. You could even make sharing customer reviews a weekly feature. 

You can create fun and engaging graphics along with the identity and pictures of your customers. Display the content in the style of quote. This way you will not have to worry about creating new content every day since your loyal advocates are happily doing the needful for you!  

Final Thoughts 

If you are a new entrepreneur and are looking for ways to build a social media proof, then leveraging your customer reviews and testimonials can be your most effective and safest bet. 

We are calling it a wrap and you are now aware of the different ways to include customer testimonials in your marketing. Make a move now and get ready to reap the benefits!

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