Tape hair extensions have become the most popular form of hair enhancement over the last few years. Halo Couture offers several different types of tape extensions, including ones that can be removed like microbeads and others that are permanent like balayage.
We’re always adding new extensions to our collection, so if you’ve been waiting for a chance to try tape extensions, now’s your chance! If you’re new to hair extensions, here’s a quick rundown on what they are and why you need them in your life this summer – especially if you’re planning on transitioning from a wig or hairpiece to real hair.

Tape extensions are a fantastic new invention that is adhered to your own hair by a thin film of glue. They get their name from the method used to place them onto your hair—just like sticky tape! To achieve the best result and reduce maintenance or slipping of the tape, we do recommend you have them placed in your hairstyles by a qualified hair salon.
It’s time to start getting ready for summer and the warmer it gets out there, the less time you want to spend at the hair salon. Thanks to our balayage hair extensions, you will achieve that sun-kissed ombre glow in less than an hour! That wasn’t a typo—less than an hour! The tape is strong enough to keep in your extensions for up to 2-3 months! Amazing! As long as they’re placed correctly by a qualified hairdresser, these hair extensions will grow with your own hair which means less work for you.

As the warmer weather finally joins us, it’s time to get up and out of the house. One less thing you’ll have to worry about once you invest in balayage extensions is extra time on your hair, due to the volume and beautiful color a quick brush will do it. As mentioned above, your tamps will last you anywhere between 2-3 months. Our tape extensions balayage also come in two lengths: 20 or 26 inches. Want super long hair? Go with a 26-inch length; just a bit more length? go with 20-inch length.”

Your balayage hair extensions will achieve the same effect as playing with the light. Not only will it not have the same subtlety of balayage, but your natural hair color will suddenly become more vibrant and voluminous. Of course, your own hair is beautiful just on its own, but sometimes you need a little help.
Have you ever been envious of the natural beautiful shades of color in the hair of little girls? No? Just me? Well, if you add in your own hair extensions, they’ll look like you’ve methodically sunned them or spent hours at the hairdresser. This sun-kissed look and summer go hand in hand so why not start today?
If you’re planning to hit the beach this summer and you’re worried that your balayage extensions won’t hold up well in direct sunlight, don’t be. Your balayage hair extensions are tough as nails. If you’re going to be in the sun all day long, make sure you accessorize with a hat, as over-exposure to sunlight could lessen the lifespan of your hair extensions. But you’re already a smart girl—you always take care of yourself!
A loose beach wave is a style I’ve always loved: soft waves are perfect for framing relaxed summer faces. You can read about how to create a perfect wave or curl here, and don’t miss out on braids either—here’s a great style that will make your friends think you moonlight as a hairdresser or live at the hairdressers!